Empty Bowls Filled Souls
April 4, 2024, 6pm | Memorial Drive UMCEmpty Bowls, Filled Souls Event –
Join us for soup, silent auction and success stories
Each guest will get to choose a souvenir bowl an get it filled with the soup of their choice – a symbolic event to demonstrate how we are giving out CJAMM family something warm, comforting, and healing in their lives
Table Sponsor:
- Soup Tureen $3,000 – and up
- Ladle $1,000 – $2,999
- Special ingredients $500 – to $999
Individual Tickets:
- Bowl Sponsor $50.00
Please complete the registration form, choose your level of sponsorship and mail your check to CJAMM, PO Box 1149, Oklahoma City, OK 73101.
Payment and donations can also be made online.
Can’t attend? Table sponsorship and donations are still greatly appreciated.
Thank You!

How will you serve?
CJAMM is in the business of caring for those who have served time. We should all be striving to make this world a better place……using our time, talents, resources, and love…..to serve our friends and neighbors!
At Exodus House Tulsa, there’s such a need for space for clients that we’ve been exploring EXPANSION plans for several months so we can expand the number of clients we can serve. We’ll tell more about that at our upcoming Empty Bowls, Filled Souls Tulsa event scheduled for Thursday, April 4, 6 p.m. at Memorial Drive United Methodist Church.
We need your help…..to better serve. Would you buy a ticket to the Empty Bowls event? Would you buy a table? Even if you can’t come, would you buy a table so others can come hear how those in need are being served? Would you consider volunteering your time and talents at Exodus House? Or at New Day Camp (the summer camp we do for children with incarcerated parents)?