Redemption Missions
Redemption Missions, located in Oklahoma City and Lawton, Oklahoma, are dedicated to educating incarcerated individuals before release. Redemption Missions are a fellowship of justice-involved individuals, their families, and friends of faith. In the Oklahoma corrections system, at the end stage of incarceration, individuals enter community correction centers to begin the process of reintegration by participating in work release programs and earning day passes.
CJAMM volunteers take participants who have earned day passes to attend church, enjoy meals with family members, and attend classes. Classes include Thinking for a Change, Relapse Prevention, Parenting for Prevention, Disciples Bible Study, Computer Literacy, Confirmation, Anger Management, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Cage Your Rage.
Participants receive credit toward release for their involvement and participation in this program. Furthermore, both Redemption Mission locations have clothing closets, allowing participants to shop for clothes for church, job interviews, future employment, and clothing for when they are released.
Clothing Closet
All three Redemption Missions have clothing closets. Inmates who are transported to church have an opportunity to shop for clothes for church, job interviews, jobs and clothing for when they are released. The clothing closet also helps the homeless in their areas. Donations are always welcome.
Lawton-Aldersgate Redemption Mission

Affiliate OKC- Penn Ave Redemption Church
Rev. Brad Rogers,
Senior Pastor
Crystal King,
Administrative Assistant
Rev. Dr. Stan Basler,
Director Emeritus, Thursday Night Preacher