“Breaking the Generational Cycles of Incarceration”

“Breaking the Generational Cycles of Incarceration”

New Day Camp Prayer Circle

New Day Camp

For children
who have at least one incarcerated parent.

Exodus House Sign Tulsa, OK

Exodus House

Exodus House is a six-month temporary residential project.

Redemption Missions

Redemption mission is a fellowship of prisoners, ex-prisoners, their families, and friends of faith.


Your financial support can make a powerful impact on individuals and families affected by incarceration.

Ministry & Mission Video Overview

Oklahoma prisoners struggle to find stable housing after release (Listen)

Facts about incarceration rates in Oklahoma

Call with Pastor Allen, Kristen Harlin & Robin Wertz (Video)

Join Us in Making a Difference

We are starting to plan New Day Camp 2025 and we have created a wish list below. Check it out!

Reach out to us at (405) 525-3522 or anne@cjamm.org


Client Wishes 2025!!

Exodus House OKC: 

Becky- To make more female friends. 

Daniel- To stay clean, get my own place, driver’s license and a car. Shawn- To get a raise 

Deanna- To lose weight eat healthier and get in shape 

Exodus House Tulsa: 

Adam- Continue to save money in his savings account to Purchase car and to get his license. 

Shauna- Get a Car 

T.J.- Get all fines and court costs taken care of and to get a car and be a productive member of society. 

Adam Hackney- Stay off drugs. 

Jessica- Get a drivers license, spend time with children (weekends are approved), graduate from the EHT program, and obtain secondary employment. 

Brandon- Strengthen relationship with God and Children, successfully complete requirements for license reinstatement, Complete EHT, save money for land purchase, and work patience.

2024 Stan Basler Award

Rev. Adam Shahan has been named as the 2024 Stan Basler Award recipient. Rev. Dr. Basler was an early pioneer for CJAMM and continues to fight for those who are involved in criminal justice. Adam carries the torch for CJAMM with his involvement in music at New Day Camp and sponsoring an apartment at Exodus House OKC. His church, Wesley Church OKC: A United Methodist Community, will be hosting the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for the OKC clients. Way to go, Adam!

New Day Camp 2024

One of CJAMM’s signature outreaches is NEW DAY CAMP.  It’s a time for kids with an incarcerated loved one to get just a touch of hope….love…..and fun even just for a week.

Thanks to generous folks around the state (and beyond) who supported camp through sponsorships, in-kind gifts of bedding, toiletries, clothing, Bibles, camp supplies, food items, and volunteer hours.

Here’s some beautiful faces that the collaborative efforts have given children as a taste of a NEW DAY 2024!

Empty Bowls Filled Souls (Video Presentation)

Empty Bowls Filled Souls (Video Presentation)

On November 2, over 200 CJAMM friends, supporters, clients, and volunteers attended an event called Empty Bowls, Filled Souls. According to Executive Director Keith Dobbs, the event was the first in-person event for CJAMM since COVID.

2023 Volunteer of the Year: Marianne McLean

2023 Volunteer of the Year: Marianne McLean

Marianne McLean attended Memorial High School in Tulsa, but graduated from high school in Atlanta, GA. She went on to attend college at Georgia State University. Following graduation, she started out in the banking field, but after returning to Tulsa, unexpectedly...

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