“Breaking the Generational Cycles of Incarceration”

“Breaking the Generational Cycles of Incarceration”

New Day Camp Prayer Circle

New Day Camp

For children
who have at least one incarcerated parent.

Exodus House Sign Tulsa, OK

Exodus House

Exodus House is a six-month temporary residential project.

Redemption Missions

Redemption mission is a fellowship of prisoners, ex-prisoners, their families, and friends of faith.


Your financial support can make a powerful impact on individuals and families affected by incarceration.

Ministry & Mission Video Overview

Oklahoma prisoners struggle to find stable housing after release (Listen)

Facts about incarceration rates in Oklahoma

Call with Pastor Allen, Kristen Harlin & Robin Wertz (Video)

Join Us in Making a Difference

We are starting to plan New Day Camp and are in need of volunteers!

Come join us June 2nd–7th for a life-changing week!

Reach out to us at (405) 525-3522 or anne@cjamm.org

Empty Bowls, Filled Souls Event (Tulsa)

April 4, 2024, 6pm
Memorial Drive UMC

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